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Your Library

80+ classes to enjoy where and when you want!

Here you will find your Library of, always-availability, Yoga classes. 
Divided into specific body-focused work, or, Outdoor-Pool Side full body flowing. Your classes are grouped and labelled according to the main ideas worked on in each class.

I wish you great motivation, ease, and willingness to commit to an interest in self-enquiry and Generating JOY from Within through this body-work. Try to keep a regular practice, it will be worth it :-) Unblock tensions, get grounded and feel the flow of your revitalised energy in everything you do.

Let's go! Find your class for today!

With your subscription booking you will receive a private Password Key straight to your email that will give you your always-availability access. Ready to experience a new JOY!


Find your body flow!

​© 2024 Niamh Condron Studios

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